2024-04-02 17:38:33 +08:00

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import gulp from "gulp";
import gulpIf from "gulp-if";
import MemoryFS from "memory-fs";
import syncBrowser from "browser-sync";
const browserSync = syncBrowser.create();
const __dirname = process.cwd();
// 创建内存文件系统实例
const mfs = new MemoryFS();
import htmlmin from "gulp-htmlmin"; // 压缩html文件
import uglify from "gulp-uglify"; // 压缩js文件
import babel from "gulp-babel"; // ES6转ES5
import sass from "gulp-sass"; // sass编译
import cleanCss from "gulp-clean-css"; // 压缩css文件
import replace from "gulp-replace"; // 替换文件内容
import ignore from "gulp-ignore"; // 排除文件不进入打包结果
import { deleteAsync } from "del"; // 清除打包目标目录
import fs from "fs/promises";
import path from "path";
import map from "map-stream";
import { createProxyMiddleware } from "http-proxy-middleware";
const devAssetsDir = "src";
const htmlGlob = `${devAssetsDir}/**/*.html`;
const cssGlob = `${devAssetsDir}/**/*.css`;
const jsGlob = `${devAssetsDir}/**/*.js`;
const staticGlob = `${devAssetsDir}/static/**/*`;
const modulesGlob = "modules/**/*";
const allFileGlob = `${devAssetsDir}/**/*`;
* @type {"dev" | "prod"} 环境变量
let env = "dev";
function setEnv(currEnv) {
return async () => {
env = currEnv;
import config from "./config.js";
let { moduleMap, assetsDir, devServer } = config;
let { browsersync: browsersyncOptions, httpProxy } = devServer && typeof devServer === "object" ? devServer : {};
moduleMap = parseModuleMap(moduleMap);
// 异步读取文件内容
async function getCode(path) {
return await fs.readFile(path, "utf8");
// 清除dist目录的任务
async function cleanTask() {
return deleteAsync([assetsDir]); // 使用 del 删除 dist 目录及其内容
export const clean = cleanTask;
* @description 注入模块
* @param {NodeJS.ReadWriteStream} ctx
* @returns {NodeJS.ReadWriteStream}
async function injectModules(ctx) {
// 遍历模块文件,将每个模块文件的内容替换到对应的模块标签中
for (const key in moduleMap) {
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, moduleMap[key]);
const code = await getCode(filePath);
const replaceStream = replace(key, code);
ctx = ctx.pipe(replaceStream);
return ctx;
// 制定html任务
async function htmlTask() {
const condition = env === "prod";
let ctx = gulp.src(htmlGlob, {
ignore: [staticGlob],
ctx = await injectModules(ctx);
return (
removeComments: condition, // 生产环境下移除注释
collapseWhitespace: condition, // //压缩HTML
collapseBooleanAttributes: condition, //省略布尔属性的值 <input checked="true"/> ==> <input />
removeEmptyAttributes: env === "prod", //删除所有空格作属性值 <input id="" /> ==> <input />
removeScriptTypeAttributes: false, //删除<script>的type="text/javascript"
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: condition, //删除<style>和<link>的type="text/css"
minifyJS: condition, //压缩页面JS
minifyCSS: condition, //压缩页面CSS
.pipe(ignore.exclude(modulesGlob)) // 忽略模块文件
.pipe(gulpIf(condition, writeFileToFileSystem(assetsDir)))
// 将处理后的文件写入内存文件系统
.pipe(gulpIf(!condition, writeFileToMemory()))
// 定义Gulp任务
export const html = htmlTask;
// 制定js任务ES6转ES5再压缩js
async function jsTask() {
const ctx = gulp.src(jsGlob, {
ignore: [staticGlob],
const condition = env === "prod";
return ctx
presets: ["@babel/preset-env"],
compress: {
drop_console: false, // 移除console语句
drop_debugger: true, // 移除debugger语句
.pipe(gulpIf(condition, writeFileToFileSystem(path.join(assetsDir))))
.pipe(gulpIf(!condition, writeFileToMemory()));
export const js = jsTask;
// css任务压缩css
async function cssTask() {
const ctx = gulp.src(cssGlob, {
ignore: [staticGlob],
const condition = env === "prod";
return ctx
.pipe(gulpIf(condition, cleanCss())) // css样式压缩
.pipe(gulpIf(condition, writeFileToFileSystem(path.join(assetsDir))))
.pipe(gulpIf(!condition, writeFileToMemory()));
export const css = cssTask;
// 静态文件目录,直接复制
async function staticFile() {
const condition = env === "prod";
const staticDir = "/static";
return gulp
.pipe(gulpIf(condition, writeFileToFileSystem(assetsDir)))
.pipe(gulpIf(!condition, writeFileToMemory(staticDir)));
export const staticFileTask = staticFile;
// 其他文件直接复制除了html, cssjs文件和static目录
async function otherFile() {
const condition = env === "prod";
return gulp
.src(allFileGlob, {
ignore: [htmlGlob, cssGlob, jsGlob, staticGlob],
.pipe(gulpIf(condition, writeFileToFileSystem(assetsDir)))
.pipe(gulpIf(!condition, writeFileToMemory()));
export const otherFileTask = otherFile;
// 打包任务清除dist目录然后并行执行html、js、css、其他文件、static等任务
export const build = gulp.series(setEnv("prod"), cleanTask, gulp.parallel(html, js, css, otherFileTask, staticFileTask));
// server任务开启一个本地服务器
async function serverTask() {
browsersyncOptions = browsersyncOptions && typeof browsersyncOptions === "object" ? browsersyncOptions : {};
const httpProxyList = Object.keys(httpProxy).map((prefix) => createProxyMiddleware(prefix, httpProxy[prefix]));
return browserSync.init({
middleware: [
// 自定义中间件来从内存文件系统中提供文件
function (req, res, next) {
let fileLogicPath = req.url.split("?")[0];
let url = fileLogicPath === "/" ? "/index.html" : fileLogicPath;
let filePath = path.join(__dirname, "/", devAssetsDir, ...url.split("/"));
mfs.readFile(decodeURIComponent(filePath), (err, data) => {
if (err) {
const map = {
ENOENT: () => console.error(`\x1b[31m找不到文件或目录${err.path}\x1b[0m`),
map[err.code] ? map[err.code]() : console.error(err);
res.statusCode = 404;
res.end(`not found ${req.url}`);
} else {
server: true,
export const server = serverTask;
// 监听文件的修改,执行对应的任务
async function watchTask() {, gulp.series(html)).on("change", browserSync.reload);, gulp.series(js)).on("change", browserSync.reload);, gulp.series(css)).on("change", browserSync.reload);, gulp.series(staticFileTask)).on("change", browserSync.reload);, gulp.series(otherFileTask)).on("change", browserSync.reload);
export const watch = watchTask;
// 开发服务
export const dev = gulp.series(setEnv("dev"), gulp.parallel(html, js, css, staticFileTask, otherFileTask), (cb) => setTimeout(() => cb(), 3000), server, watch);
* 解析模块映射
* @param {Object} moduleMap
* @returns
function parseModuleMap(moduleMap) {
const newModuleMap = {};
Object.keys(moduleMap).forEach((fileId) => {
const newId = `#include(${fileId})`;
newModuleMap[newId] = moduleMap[fileId];
return newModuleMap;
* @description 把文件流写入到内存中
* @returns
function writeFileToMemory() {
return map(function mapFile(file, cb) {
const filepath = path.resolve(file.path);
const dir = path.dirname(filepath);
if (!mfs.existsSync(dir)) {
file.contents && mfs.writeFileSync(filepath, file.contents);
cb(null, file);
* @description 把文件流写入到硬盘中
* @param {String} assetsDir 写入到哪个目录如根目录的dist,则assetsDir位'dist'
* @returns
function writeFileToFileSystem(assetsDir) {
return map(async function mapFile(file, cb) {
const relativePath = path.relative(path.join(process.cwd(), devAssetsDir), file.path);
const destFilePath = path.join(process.cwd(), assetsDir, relativePath);
const dirPath = path.dirname(destFilePath);
try {
if (file.contents) {
await fs.access(dirPath).catch(() => fs.mkdir(dirPath, { recursive: true }));
await fs.writeFile(destFilePath, file.contents);
} catch (error) {
cb(null, file);