2022-01-04 18:11:48 +08:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* @author : 陈鲁勇
* @date : 2017年04月
* @version: 1.0
* @note : 根据 Apache 许可证 2.0 版(以下简称“许可证”)授权;
* 除非遵守本许可,否则您不能使用这个文件。
* @remarks: 您可以获得该许可的副本:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* 除非适用法律需要或者书面同意,按本许可分发的软件
* 要按“原样”分发,没有任何形式的,明确或隐含的担保条款。
* 参见按照本许可控制许可权限及限制的特定语言的许可证。
* 你可以获得该代码的最新版本:
* https://git.oschina.net/Mr_ChenLuYong/screenshot
* 开源社区的所有人都期待与你的共同维护。
* 如果你对这些代码还有不理解的地方可以通过最新的文章进行学习:
* 博客地址http://blog.csdn.net/csnd_ayo
* 文章地址http://blog.csdn.net/csnd_ayo/article/details/70197915
* 期待你提交Bug欢迎Issues。
#include "oeamplifier.h"
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QPainter>
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
#include <QDebug>
#include "oecommonhelper.h"
OEAmplifier::OEAmplifier(std::shared_ptr<QPixmap> originPainting, QWidget *parent) :
QWidget(parent), originPainting_(originPainting) {
/// 设置成无边框对话框
/// 开启鼠标实时追踪
/// 设置默认大小
sideLength_ = 122 * OECommonHelper::getWindowHeightMultiplyingPower();
imageHeight_ = 90 * OECommonHelper::getWindowHeightMultiplyingPower();
/// 默认隐藏
void OEAmplifier::onSizeChange(int w, int h) {
screenSize_ = QSize(w, h);
void OEAmplifier::onPostionChange(int x, int y) {
cursorPoint_ = QPoint(x, y);
int dest_x = x + 4;
int dest_y = y + 26;
/// 超出屏幕检测
const QSize& parent_size = parentWidget()->size();
if (dest_y + height() > parent_size.height()) {
dest_y = y - 26 - height();
if (dest_x + width() > parent_size.width()) {
dest_x = x - 4 - width();
move(dest_x, dest_y);
/// 绘制鼠标拖拽时选区矩形的右下顶点的放大图;
void OEAmplifier::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
QPainter painter(this);
/// 绘制背景
painter.fillRect(rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, 160));
QPixmap endPointImage;
/// 绘制放大图;
const QSize& parent_size = parentWidget()->size();
* @bug : 在屏幕边缘绘制放大图时会出现图片拉伸
* 这里暂时做了边缘检测若是屏幕边缘则不进行放大图的绘制和QQ截图的采取方式是一致的。
* @marker: 颜色还是照样识别,但是局部放大的效果暂时禁用
* @note : 解决方法,可以发现边缘时,将不能放大的地方,不描绘,或填充黑色,以避免图片被非预期的拉伸问题。
if ((cursorPoint_.x() + 15 < parent_size.width() && cursorPoint_.x() - 15 > 0)
&& (cursorPoint_.y() + 11 < parent_size.height() && cursorPoint_.y() - 11 > 0)) {
endPointImage = originPainting_->
copy(QRect(cursorPoint_.x() - 15,
cursorPoint_.y() - 11, 30, 22))
.scaled(sideLength_, imageHeight_);
painter.drawPixmap(0,0, endPointImage);
else {
endPointImage = originPainting_->
copy(QRect(cursorPoint_.x() - 15,
cursorPoint_.y() - 11, 30, 22));
/// 绘制十字
painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 180, 255 , 180), 4));
// 竖线;
painter.drawLine(QPoint(sideLength_ >> 1, 0),
QPoint(sideLength_ >> 1,
imageHeight_ - 4));
// 横线;
painter.drawLine(QPoint(0, imageHeight_ >> 1),
imageHeight_ >> 1));
/// 绘制大图内边框
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 2));
painter.drawRect(2,2,width()-4, imageHeight_-4);
/// 绘制外边框
painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1));
/// 当前选中矩形的宽高信息;
QString select_screen_info = QString("%1×%2")
/// 当前鼠标像素值的RGB信息
QImage image = originPainting_->toImage();
QColor cursor_pixel = image.pixel(cursorPoint_);
QString select_pt_rgb = QString("RGB:(%1,%2,%3)")
/// 绘制坐标轴相关数据
painter.drawText(QPoint(6, imageHeight_+14),select_screen_info);
painter.drawText(QPoint(6, imageHeight_+27),select_pt_rgb);