#include "ebase.h" #include "gutil/qgui.h" #include "tools.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct BorderImg { QString name; QPixmap img; }; QVector borderImgs; int borderImgMaxWidth = 0; int borderImgMaxHeight = 0; struct Initer { Initer() { auto names = QDir("borders").entryList(QDir::Files); for(auto &name : names) { BorderImg bdImg; bdImg.name = name; bdImg.img = QPixmap("borders/"+bdImg.name); borderImgs.append(bdImg); if(bdImg.img.width() > borderImgMaxWidth) borderImgMaxWidth = bdImg.img.width(); if(bdImg.img.height() > borderImgMaxHeight) borderImgMaxHeight = bdImg.img.height(); } } }; EBase::EBase(EBase *multiWin) : mMultiWin(multiWin) { static struct Initer aaa; if(mMultiWin == 0) { setFlag(ItemIsMovable); setFlag(ItemIsSelectable); } mSidePen.setCapStyle(Qt::FlatCap); mSidePen.setDashPattern(QVector{1,3}); } void EBase::setBaseAttr(const JObj &json) { mStartTime = json["startTime"].toInt(); mDuration = json["duration"].toInt(); if(mDuration==0) { mDuration = json["play"]["playDuration"].toInt(); if(mDuration==0) mDuration = json["play"]["duration"].toInt(10); } mEntryEffect = json["entryEffect"].toStr(); mExitEffect = json["exitEffect"].toStr(); mEntryDur = json["entryDur"].toInt(); mExitDur = json["exitDur"].toInt(); _rotate = json["rotate"].toInt(); _blinkFreq = json["blinkFreq"].toDouble(1.0); _hasBlink = json["hasBlink"].toBool(); auto geometry = json["geometry"]; setPos(geometry["x"].toInt(), geometry["y"].toInt()); setSize(geometry["w"].toInt(), geometry["h"].toInt()); setZValue(geometry["order"].toInt()); auto bdName = json["border"].toString(); if(! bdName.isEmpty()) { for(int i=0; ibdImgIdx > -1 ? borderImgs[ele->bdImgIdx].img.height() : 0; JObj geometry; geometry["order"] = zValue(); geometry["x"] = (int)ele->x(); geometry["y"] = (int)ele->y(); geometry["w"] = (int)ele->mWidth; geometry["h"] = (int)ele->mHeight; obj.insert("geometry", geometry); obj.insert("innerX", ((int)ele->x())+bdWidth); obj.insert("innerY", ((int)ele->y())+bdWidth); obj.insert("innerW", ((int)ele->mWidth)-bdWidth-bdWidth); obj.insert("innerH", ((int)ele->mHeight)-bdWidth-bdWidth); obj.insert("startTime", mStartTime); obj.insert("duration", mDuration); obj.insert("entryEffect", mEntryEffect); obj.insert("exitEffect", mExitEffect); obj.insert("entryDur", mEntryDur); obj.insert("exitDur", mExitDur); obj["rotate"] = _rotate; obj["blinkFreq"] = _blinkFreq; obj["hasBlink"] = _hasBlink; if(bdImgIdx>-1) { obj["border"] = borderImgs[bdImgIdx].name; obj["borderSize"] = JArray{borderImgs[bdImgIdx].img.width(), borderImgs[bdImgIdx].img.height()}; obj["borderEff"] = bdEff.isEmpty() ? JValue() : bdEff; obj["borderSpeed"] = bdSpeed; } } QRectF EBase::innerRect() const { auto ele = mMultiWin ? mMultiWin : this; int bdWidth = ele->bdImgIdx > -1 ? borderImgs[ele->bdImgIdx].img.height() : 0; return QRectF(bdWidth, bdWidth, ele->mWidth-bdWidth-bdWidth, ele->mHeight-bdWidth-bdWidth); } void EBase::fitProgSize() { if(gProgItem->mWidth < mWidth || gProgItem->mHeight < mHeight) { auto rate = qMin(gProgItem->mWidth / mWidth, gProgItem->mHeight / mHeight); prepareGeometryChange(); mWidth *= rate; mHeight *= rate; emit sizeChanged(); } int lmt = gProgItem->mWidth - mWidth; if(x() > lmt) setX(lmt); lmt = gProgItem->mHeight - mHeight; if(y() > lmt) setY(lmt); } QRectF EBase::boundingRect() const { qreal xy = -m_handleLen / 2; return QRectF(xy, xy, mWidth + m_handleLen, mHeight + m_handleLen); } //绘制选中和未选中的区域边框 void EBase::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) { if(mMultiWin!=nullptr) return; painter->save(); //绘制边框 if(bdImgIdx > -1) { if(bdTimerId==0 && !bdEff.isEmpty()) { if(bdEff.startsWith("ro")) bdTimerId = startTimer(bdSpeed==1 ? 66 : (bdSpeed==2 ? 33 : 16), Qt::PreciseTimer); else bdTimerId = startTimer(bdSpeed==1 ? 500 : (bdSpeed==2 ? 250 : 66)); } if(!bdEff.startsWith("bl") || bdOff==0) { int bdWidth = borderImgs[bdImgIdx].img.height(); int halfBdWidth = (bdWidth+1)/2; QBrush brush(borderImgs[bdImgIdx].img); QTransform transTop = QTransform::fromTranslate(halfBdWidth+bdOff, 0); QTransform transRight = QTransform::fromTranslate(mWidth - bdWidth, halfBdWidth*3-mWidth+bdOff); transRight.rotate(90); QTransform transBottom = QTransform::fromTranslate(halfBdWidth*3-mHeight-bdOff, mHeight - bdWidth); transBottom.rotate(180); QTransform transLeft = QTransform::fromTranslate(0, halfBdWidth-bdOff); transLeft.rotate(270); brush.setTransform(transTop); QPainterPath path(QPointF(0, 0)); path.lineTo(mWidth, 0); path.lineTo(mWidth - bdWidth, bdWidth); path.lineTo(bdWidth, bdWidth); path.closeSubpath(); painter->fillPath(path, brush); brush.setTransform(transRight); path = QPainterPath(QPointF(mWidth, 0)); path.lineTo(mWidth, mHeight); path.lineTo(mWidth - bdWidth, mHeight - bdWidth); path.lineTo(mWidth - bdWidth, bdWidth); path.closeSubpath(); painter->fillPath(path, brush); brush.setTransform(transBottom); path = QPainterPath(QPointF(mWidth, mHeight)); path.lineTo(0, mHeight); path.lineTo(bdWidth, mHeight - bdWidth); path.lineTo(mWidth - bdWidth, mHeight - bdWidth); path.closeSubpath(); painter->fillPath(path, brush); brush.setTransform(transLeft); path = QPainterPath(QPointF(0, mHeight)); path.lineTo(0, 0); path.lineTo(bdWidth, bdWidth); path.lineTo(bdWidth, mHeight - bdWidth); path.closeSubpath(); painter->fillPath(path, brush); } } if(isSelected()) { mSidePen.setColor(Qt::green); painter->setPen(mSidePen); painter->drawRect(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight); m_rLT = QRectF(-m_handleLen/2, -m_handleLen/2, m_handleLen, m_handleLen);//左上角 m_rT = QRectF(mWidth/2 - m_handleLen/2, -m_handleLen/2, m_handleLen, m_handleLen);//上中 m_rRT = QRectF(mWidth - m_handleLen/2, - m_handleLen/2, m_handleLen, m_handleLen);//右上角 m_rL = QRectF(-m_handleLen/2, mHeight/2 - m_handleLen/2, m_handleLen, m_handleLen); m_rR = QRectF(mWidth - m_handleLen/2, mHeight/2 - m_handleLen/2, m_handleLen, m_handleLen); m_rLB = QRectF(-m_handleLen/2, mHeight - m_handleLen/2, m_handleLen, m_handleLen); m_rB = QRectF(mWidth/2 - m_handleLen/2, mHeight - m_handleLen/2, m_handleLen, m_handleLen); m_rRB = QRectF(mWidth - m_handleLen/2, mHeight - m_handleLen/2, m_handleLen, m_handleLen); static QPen handlePen = QPen(Qt::green); painter->setPen(handlePen); painter->drawRect(m_rLT); painter->drawRect(m_rT); painter->drawRect(m_rRT); painter->drawRect(m_rL); painter->drawRect(m_rR); painter->drawRect(m_rLB); painter->drawRect(m_rB); painter->drawRect(m_rRB); } else { mSidePen.setColor(Qt::darkGreen); painter->setPen(mSidePen); painter->drawRect(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight); } //磁条吸附时两化吸附的边 static QPen snapPen(Qt::green); painter->setPen(snapPen); if(mLRSnap==1) painter->drawLine(0, 0, 0, mHeight); else if(mLRSnap==2) painter->drawLine(mWidth, 0, mWidth, mHeight); if(mTBSnap==1) painter->drawLine(0, 0, mWidth, 0); else if(mTBSnap==2) painter->drawLine(0, mHeight, mWidth, mHeight); painter->restore(); } void EBase::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e) { QGraphicsObject::mousePressEvent(e); if(e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; setFrmSec(e->pos()); auto mousePos = e->scenePos(); auto elePos = pos(); if(mFrmSec==Qt::TitleBarArea || mFrmSec==Qt::TopSection || mFrmSec==Qt::LeftSection || mFrmSec==Qt::TopLeftSection) mPressRel = elePos - mousePos; else if(mFrmSec==Qt::BottomRightSection) mPressRel = QPointF(mWidth - mousePos.x(), mHeight - mousePos.y()); else if(mFrmSec==Qt::RightSection ) mPressRel = QPointF(mWidth - mousePos.x(), mHeight ); else if(mFrmSec==Qt::BottomSection ) mPressRel = QPointF(mWidth , mHeight - mousePos.y()); else if(mFrmSec==Qt::TopRightSection ) mPressRel = QPointF(elePos.x()+mWidth - mousePos.x(), elePos.y() - mousePos.y()); else if(mFrmSec==Qt::BottomLeftSection ) mPressRel = QPointF(elePos.x() - mousePos.x(), elePos.y()+mHeight - mousePos.y()); else if(mFrmSec==Qt::NoSection) mPressRel.setX(FLT_MAX); if(mPressRel.x()!=FLT_MAX) { mOtherEles.clear(); auto scene = this->scene(); if(0 == scene) return; auto items = scene->items(); for(auto item : items) { if(item==this) continue; auto ele = (EBase*) item; if(ele->mMultiWin) continue; mOtherEles.emplace_back(ele); } } } void EBase::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { QGraphicsObject::mouseReleaseEvent(event); if(Qt::LeftButton == event->button()) { mPressRel.setX(FLT_MAX); clearSnap(); for(auto ele : mOtherEles) ele->clearSnap(); } } #define SnapSpace 6 void EBase::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e){ if(! (e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) return; if(! isSelected()) return; if(mFrmSec==Qt::NoSection || mPressRel.x()>=FLT_MAX) return; auto mousePos = e->scenePos(); auto dstHor = mPressRel.x() + mousePos.x(); auto dstVer = mPressRel.y() + mousePos.y(); mLRSnap = mTBSnap = 0; for(auto ele : mOtherEles) ele->clearSnap(); if(mFrmSec==Qt::TitleBarArea) { if(type()!=Web) { dstHor = qBound(0.0, dstHor, gProgItem->mWidth - mWidth); dstVer = qBound(0.0, dstVer, gProgItem->mHeight - mHeight); } if(fabs(dstHor) < SnapSpace) { dstHor = 0; mLRSnap = 1; } else if(fabs(dstHor - (gProgItem->mWidth - mWidth)) < SnapSpace) { dstHor = gProgItem->mWidth - mWidth; mLRSnap = 2; }if(fabs(dstVer) < SnapSpace) { dstVer = 0; mTBSnap = 1; } else if(fabs(dstVer - (gProgItem->mHeight - mHeight)) < SnapSpace) { dstVer = gProgItem->mHeight - mHeight; mTBSnap = 2; } if(mLRSnap==0) for(EBase *ele : mOtherEles) {//左右 if(fabs(dstHor - ele->x()) < SnapSpace && ele->x() <= gProgItem->mWidth - mWidth) { dstHor = ele->x(); mLRSnap = 1; ele->mLRSnap = 1; ele->update(); break; } auto eleRight = ele->x() + ele->mWidth; if(fabs(dstHor - eleRight) < SnapSpace && eleRight <= gProgItem->mWidth - mWidth) { dstHor = eleRight; mLRSnap = 1; ele->mLRSnap = 2; ele->update(); break; } auto right = dstHor + mWidth; if(fabs(right - ele->x()) < SnapSpace && ele->x() - mWidth >= 0) { dstHor = ele->x() - mWidth; mLRSnap = 2; ele->mLRSnap = 1; ele->update(); break; } if(fabs(right - eleRight) < SnapSpace && eleRight - mWidth >= 0) { dstHor = eleRight - mWidth; mLRSnap = 2; ele->mLRSnap = 2; ele->update(); break; } } if(mTBSnap==0) for(EBase *ele : mOtherEles) {//上下 if(fabs(dstVer-ele->y()) < SnapSpace && ele->y() <= gProgItem->mHeight - mHeight) { dstVer = ele->y(); mTBSnap = 1; ele->mTBSnap = 1; ele->update(); break; } auto eleBtm = ele->y() + ele->mHeight; if(fabs(dstVer - eleBtm) < SnapSpace && eleBtm <= gProgItem->mHeight - mHeight) { dstVer = eleBtm; mTBSnap = 1; ele->mTBSnap = 2; ele->update(); break; } auto btm = dstVer + mHeight; if(fabs(btm - ele->y()) < SnapSpace && ele->y() - mHeight >= 0) { dstVer = ele->y() - mHeight; mTBSnap = 2; ele->mTBSnap = 1; ele->update(); break; } if(fabs(btm - eleBtm) < SnapSpace && eleBtm - mHeight >= 0) { dstVer = eleBtm - mHeight; mTBSnap = 2; ele->mTBSnap = 2; ele->update(); break; } } setPos(dstHor, dstVer); } else if(mFrmSec==Qt::BottomRightSection) { if(dstHor < m_handleLen) dstHor = m_handleLen; if(dstVer < m_handleLen) dstVer = m_handleLen; if(mType!=Web && gProgItem->mWidth>0 && gProgItem->mHeight>0) { dstHor = qMin(dstHor, gProgItem->mWidth - x()); dstVer = qMin(dstVer, gProgItem->mHeight - y()); } setSize(dstHor, dstVer); } else if(mFrmSec==Qt::RightSection) { if(dstHor < m_handleLen) dstHor = m_handleLen; if(mType!=Web && gProgItem->mWidth>0 && gProgItem->mHeight>0) dstHor = qMin(dstHor, gProgItem->mWidth - x()); auto right = x() + dstHor; if(right < gProgItem->mWidth-8) for(EBase *ele : mOtherEles) {//左右 if(fabs(right - ele->x()) < SnapSpace) { dstHor = ele->x() - x(); mLRSnap = 2; ele->mLRSnap = 1; ele->update(); break; } auto eleRight = ele->x() + ele->mWidth; if(fabs(right - eleRight) < SnapSpace) { dstHor = eleRight - x(); mLRSnap = 2; ele->mLRSnap = 2; ele->update(); break; } } setSize(dstHor, mPressRel.y()); } else if(mFrmSec==Qt::BottomSection) { if(dstVer < m_handleLen) dstVer = m_handleLen; if(mType!=Web && gProgItem->mWidth>0 && gProgItem->mHeight>0) dstVer = qMin(dstVer, gProgItem->mHeight - y()); auto btm = y() + dstVer; if(btm < gProgItem->mHeight-8) for(EBase *ele : mOtherEles) {//上下 auto eleBtm = ele->y() + ele->mHeight; if(fabs(btm - ele->y()) < SnapSpace) { dstVer = ele->y() - y(); mTBSnap = 2; ele->mTBSnap = 1; ele->update(); break; } if(fabs(btm - eleBtm) < SnapSpace) { dstVer = eleBtm - y(); mTBSnap = 2; ele->mTBSnap = 2; ele->update(); break; } } setSize(mPressRel.rx(), dstVer); } else { QRectF geo(x(), y(), mWidth, mHeight); if(mFrmSec==Qt::LeftSection) { dstHor = qMin(dstHor, geo.right() - m_handleLen); if(mType!=Web && dstHor < 0) dstHor = 0; if(dstHor > 8) for(EBase *ele : mOtherEles) {//左右 if(fabs(dstHor - ele->x()) < SnapSpace) { dstHor = ele->x(); mLRSnap = 1; ele->mLRSnap = 1; ele->update(); break; } auto eleRight = ele->x() + ele->mWidth; if(fabs(dstHor - eleRight) < SnapSpace) { dstHor = eleRight; mLRSnap = 1; ele->mLRSnap = 2; ele->update(); break; } } geo.setLeft(dstHor); setX(dstHor); } else if(mFrmSec==Qt::TopSection) { dstVer = qMin(dstVer, geo.bottom() - m_handleLen); if(mType!=Web && dstVer < 0) dstVer = 0; if(dstVer > 8) for(EBase *ele : mOtherEles) {//上下 if(fabs(dstVer - ele->y()) < SnapSpace) { dstVer = ele->y(); mTBSnap = 1; ele->mTBSnap = 1; ele->update(); break; } auto eleBtm = ele->y() + ele->mHeight; if(fabs(dstVer - eleBtm) < SnapSpace) { dstVer = eleBtm; mTBSnap = 1; ele->mTBSnap = 2; ele->update(); break; } } geo.setTop(dstVer); setY(dstVer); } else if(mFrmSec==Qt::TopLeftSection) { dstHor = qMin(dstHor, geo.right() - m_handleLen); dstVer = qMin(dstVer, geo.bottom() - m_handleLen); if(mType!=Web) { if(dstHor < 0) dstHor = 0; if(dstVer < 0) dstVer = 0; } geo.setLeft(dstHor); geo.setTop(dstVer); setPos(dstHor, dstVer); } else if(mFrmSec==Qt::TopRightSection) { dstHor = qMax(dstHor, geo.x() + m_handleLen); dstVer = qMin(dstVer, geo.bottom() - m_handleLen); if(mType!=Web) { if(dstHor > gProgItem->mWidth) dstHor = gProgItem->mWidth; if(dstVer < 0) dstVer = 0; } geo.setRight(dstHor); geo.setTop(dstVer); setY(dstVer); } else if(mFrmSec==Qt::BottomLeftSection) { dstHor = qMin(dstHor, geo.right() - m_handleLen); dstVer = qMax(dstVer, geo.y() + m_handleLen); if(mType!=Web) { if(dstHor < 0) dstHor = 0; if(dstVer > gProgItem->mHeight) dstVer = gProgItem->mHeight; } geo.setLeft(dstHor); geo.setBottom(dstVer); setX(dstHor); } setSize(geo.width(), geo.height()); } } void EBase::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *e) { setFrmSec(e->pos()); } void EBase::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *) { setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::NoSection, Qt::ArrowCursor); mPressRel.setX(FLT_MAX); } void EBase::setFrmSec(const QPointF &pos) { if(m_rLT.contains(pos)) setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::TopLeftSection, Qt::SizeFDiagCursor); else if(m_rT.contains(pos)) setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::TopSection, Qt::SizeVerCursor); else if(m_rRT.contains(pos)) setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::TopRightSection, Qt::SizeBDiagCursor); else if(m_rL.contains(pos)) setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::LeftSection, Qt::SizeHorCursor); else if(m_rR.contains(pos)) setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::RightSection, Qt::SizeHorCursor); else if(m_rLB.contains(pos)) setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::BottomLeftSection, Qt::SizeBDiagCursor); else if(m_rB.contains(pos)) setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::BottomSection, Qt::SizeVerCursor); else if(m_rRB.contains(pos)) setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::BottomRightSection, Qt::SizeFDiagCursor); else if(pos.x()>=0 && pos.x()<=mWidth && pos.y()>=0 && pos.y()<=mHeight) setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::TitleBarArea, Qt::SizeAllCursor); else setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::NoSection, Qt::ArrowCursor); } void EBase::setFrmSecIfNeed(Qt::WindowFrameSection frmSec, Qt::CursorShape cursor) { if(mFrmSec==frmSec) return; mFrmSec = frmSec; if(cursor==Qt::ArrowCursor) unsetCursor(); else setCursor(cursor); } QVariant EBase::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value) { if(change==QGraphicsItem::ItemVisibleChange) { if(value.toBool()) goto end; if(bdTimerId>0) { killTimer(bdTimerId); bdTimerId = 0; } } else if(change==QGraphicsItem::ItemSelectedChange) { bool isSel = value.toBool(); setAcceptHoverEvents(isSel); if(! isSel) unsetCursor(); } end: return QGraphicsObject::itemChange(change, value); } void EBase::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { if(event->timerId()!=bdTimerId) QGraphicsObject::timerEvent(event); else { if(bdEff.isEmpty()){ killTimer(bdTimerId); bdTimerId = 0; return; } if(bdEff.startsWith("ro")) { if(bdImgIdx < 0) return; if(bdOff >= borderImgs[bdImgIdx].img.width() - 1) bdOff = 0; else bdOff++; } else bdOff = bdOff==0 ? 1 : 0; update(); } } void EBase::clearSnap() { if(mLRSnap==0 && mTBSnap==0) return; mLRSnap = mTBSnap = 0; update(); } void EBase::addBaseAttrWgt(QBoxLayout *vBox) { auto spacing = vBox->spacing(); if(spacing < 0) spacing = 0; if(mMultiWin==0) { auto hBox = new HBox(vBox); hBox->addLabel(tr("Area")); auto line = new QFrame; line->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); line->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); hBox->addWidget(line, 1); vBox->addSpacing(-spacing-2); hBox = new HBox(vBox); hBox->addStretch(); hBox->addLabel(tr("X")+": "); auto fdX = new QSpinBox; fdX->setRange(-99999, 999999); fdX->setValue(x()); connect(fdX, (void(QSpinBox::*)(int))&QSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [this, fdX](int value) { if(type()!=Web) { int max = gProgItem->mWidth - mWidth; if(value < 0 || value > max) { value = max; fdX->blockSignals(true); fdX->setValue(value); fdX->blockSignals(false); } } setX(value); }); hBox->addWidget(fdX); hBox->addSpacing(10); hBox->addLabel(tr("Y")+": "); auto fdY = new QSpinBox; fdY->setRange(-99999, 999999); fdY->setValue(y()); connect(fdY, (void(QSpinBox::*)(int))&QSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [this, fdY](int value) { if(type()!=Web) { int max = gProgItem->mHeight - mHeight; if(value < 0 || value > max) { value = max; fdY->blockSignals(true); fdY->setValue(value); fdY->blockSignals(false); } } setY(value); }); hBox->addWidget(fdY); hBox->addStretch(); hBox = new HBox(vBox); hBox->addStretch(); hBox->addLabel(tr("W")+": "); auto fdW = new QSpinBox; fdW->setRange(6, 999999); fdW->setValue(mWidth); connect(fdW, (void(QSpinBox::*)(int))&QSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [this, fdW](int value) { if(type()!=Web) { int max = gProgItem->mWidth - x(); if(value > max) { value = max; fdW->blockSignals(true); fdW->setValue(value); fdW->blockSignals(false); } } setSize(value, mHeight); }); hBox->addWidget(fdW); hBox->addSpacing(10); hBox->addLabel(tr("H")+": "); auto fdH = new QSpinBox; fdH->setRange(6, 999999); fdH->setValue(mHeight); connect(fdH, (void(QSpinBox::*)(int))&QSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [this, fdH](int value) { if(type()!=Web) { int max = gProgItem->mHeight - y(); if(value > max) { value = max; fdH->blockSignals(true); fdH->setValue(value); fdH->blockSignals(false); } } setSize(mWidth, value); }); hBox->addWidget(fdH); hBox->addStretch(); connect(this, &EBase::xChanged, fdX, [this, fdX] { fdX->blockSignals(true); fdX->setValue(x()); fdX->blockSignals(false); }); connect(this, &EBase::yChanged, fdY, [this, fdY] { fdY->blockSignals(true); fdY->setValue(y()); fdY->blockSignals(false); }); connect(this, &EBase::sizeChanged, fdW, [this, fdW, fdH] { fdW->blockSignals(true); fdW->setValue(mWidth); fdW->blockSignals(false); fdH->blockSignals(true); fdH->setValue(mHeight); fdH->blockSignals(false); }); hBox = new HBox(vBox); hBox->addStretch(); hBox->addLabel(tr("Rotate")+": "); auto fdRotate = new QSpinBox; fdRotate->setRange(0, 359); fdRotate->setValue(_rotate); fdRotate->setToolTip("Need Player 2.1.4"); connect(fdRotate, (void(QSpinBox::*)(int))&QSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [this](int value) { _rotate = value; }); hBox->addWidget(fdRotate); hBox->addSpacing(-spacing+2); hBox->addLabel("°"); hBox->addStretch(); vBox->addSpacing(-spacing); hBox = new HBox(vBox); hBox->addLabel(tr("Border")); line = new QFrame; line->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); line->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); hBox->addWidget(line, 1); vBox->addSpacing(-spacing-2); hBox = new HBox(vBox); hBox->setSpacing(2); hBox->addStretch(); auto borderFd = new QComboBox; borderFd->addItem(tr("None")); for(int i=0; iaddItem(QIcon(borderImgs[i].img), QString::number(borderImgs[i].img.height()), borderImgs[i].name); borderFd->setIconSize(QSize(borderImgMaxWidth, borderImgMaxHeight)); if(bdImgIdx>-1) borderFd->setCurrentIndex(bdImgIdx+1); connect(borderFd, (void(QComboBox::*)(int))&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [this](int idx){ bdImgIdx = idx-1; if(bdImgIdx==-1 && bdTimerId>0) { killTimer(bdTimerId); bdTimerId = 0; } bdOff = 0; update(); emit sizeChanged(); }); hBox->addWidget(borderFd); hBox->addStretch(); hBox->addLabel(tr("Effect")); auto borderEffFd = new QComboBox; borderEffFd->addItem(tr("Rotate"), "rotate"); borderEffFd->addItem(tr("Blink"), "blink"); borderEffFd->addItem(tr("None"), ""); if(bdImgIdx>-1) SetCurData(borderEffFd, bdEff); connect(borderEffFd, (void(QComboBox::*)(int))&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [this, borderEffFd] { bdEff = borderEffFd->currentData().toString(); if(bdTimerId>0) { killTimer(bdTimerId); bdTimerId = 0; } bdOff = 0; update(); }); hBox->addWidget(borderEffFd); hBox->addStretch(); hBox->addLabel(tr("Speed")); auto borderSpeedFd = new QComboBox; borderSpeedFd->addItem(tr("Slow"), 1); borderSpeedFd->addItem(tr("Moderate"), 2); borderSpeedFd->addItem(tr("Fast"), 3); if(bdImgIdx>-1) SetCurData(borderSpeedFd, bdSpeed); connect(borderSpeedFd, (void(QComboBox::*)(int))&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [this, borderSpeedFd] { bdSpeed = borderSpeedFd->currentData().toInt(); if(bdTimerId>0) { killTimer(bdTimerId); bdTimerId = 0; } update(); }); hBox->addWidget(borderSpeedFd); hBox->addStretch(); } if(mType!=Window) { auto hBox = new HBox(vBox); hBox->addLabel(tr("Play Time")); auto line = new QFrame; line->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); line->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); hBox->addWidget(line, 1); vBox->addSpacing(-spacing-2); hBox = new HBox(vBox); hBox->setSpacing(4); hBox->addStretch(); if(mMultiWin==0) { hBox->addLabel(tr("Start")); auto fdStart = new QSpinBox; fdStart->setRange(0, 9999); fdStart->setValue(mStartTime); hBox->addWidget(fdStart); hBox->addLabel(tr("s")); hBox->addStretch(); } hBox->addLabel(tr("Duration")); fdDuration = new QSpinBox; fdDuration->setRange(1, 9999); fdDuration->setValue(mDuration); hBox->addWidget(fdDuration); hBox->addLabel(tr("s")); hBox->addStretch(); hBox = new HBox(vBox); hBox->addLabel(tr("Effect")); line = new QFrame; line->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); line->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); hBox->addWidget(line, 1); vBox->addSpacing(-spacing-2); auto grid = new Grid(vBox); grid->setSpacing(4); int ccc = 0; grid->setColumnStretch(ccc++, 1); grid->addLabel(tr("Entry"), 0, ccc++, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter); auto fdEntryEff = new QComboBox; fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("None"), ""); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Random"), "Random"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Expand horizontal"), "EXPAND_HOR"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Expand vertical"), "EXPAND_VER"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Expand to left"), "EXPAND_LEFT"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Expand to top"), "EXPAND_TOP"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Expand to right"), "EXPAND_RIGHT"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Expand to bottom"), "EXPAND_BOTTOM"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Zoom in"), "ZOOM"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Zoom in from left-top"), "ZOOM_TL"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Zoom in from right-top"), "ZOOM_TR"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Zoom in from right-bottom"), "ZOOM_BR"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Zoom in from left-bottom"), "ZOOM_BL"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Rotate zoom"), "ROTATE"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Rotate zoom reverse"), "ROTATE_R"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Fade in"), "FADE"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Move to left"), "MOVE_LEFT"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Move to top"), "MOVE_TOP"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Move to right"), "MOVE_RIGHT"); fdEntryEff->addItem(tr("Move to bottom"), "MOVE_BOTTOM"); SetCurData(fdEntryEff, mEntryEffect); connect(fdEntryEff, (void(QComboBox::*)(int))&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=] { mEntryEffect = fdEntryEff->currentData().toString(); }); grid->addWidget(fdEntryEff, 0, ccc++); grid->setColumnStretch(ccc++, 1); grid->addLabel(tr("Dur"), 0, ccc++, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter); auto fdEntryDur = new QSpinBox; fdEntryDur->setRange(1, 99); fdEntryDur->setValue(mEntryDur); connect(fdEntryDur, (void(QSpinBox::*)(int))&QSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [=](int value) { mEntryDur = value; if(mDuration < value) { mDuration = value; fdDuration->setValue(value); } }); grid->addWidget(fdEntryDur, 0, ccc++); grid->addLabel(tr("s"), 0, ccc++); grid->setColumnStretch(ccc, 1); ccc = 1; grid->addLabel(tr("Exit"), 1, ccc++, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter); auto fdExitEff = new QComboBox; fdExitEff->addItem(tr("None"), ""); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Random"), "Random"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Expand horizontal"), "EXPAND_HOR"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Expand vertical"), "EXPAND_VER"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Expand to left"), "EXPAND_LEFT"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Expand to top"), "EXPAND_TOP"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Expand to right"), "EXPAND_RIGHT"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Expand to bottom"), "EXPAND_BOTTOM"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Zoom out"), "ZOOM"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Zoom out to left-top"), "ZOOM_TL"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Zoom out to right-top"), "ZOOM_TR"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Zoom out to right-bottom"), "ZOOM_BR"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Zoom out to left-bottom"), "ZOOM_BL"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Rotate zoom"), "ROTATE"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Rotate zoom reverse"), "ROTATE_R"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Fade out"), "FADE"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Move to left"), "MOVE_LEFT"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Move to top"), "MOVE_TOP"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Move to right"), "MOVE_RIGHT"); fdExitEff->addItem(tr("Move to bottom"), "MOVE_BOTTOM"); SetCurData(fdExitEff, mExitEffect); connect(fdExitEff, (void(QComboBox::*)(int))&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [=] { mExitEffect = fdExitEff->currentData().toString(); }); grid->addWidget(fdExitEff, 1, ccc++); ccc++; grid->addLabel(tr("Dur"), 1, ccc++, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter); auto fdExitDur = new QSpinBox; fdExitDur->setRange(1, 99); fdExitDur->setValue(mExitDur); connect(fdExitDur, (void(QSpinBox::*)(int))&QSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [=](int value) { mExitDur = value; if(mDuration < value) { mDuration = value; fdDuration->setValue(value); } }); grid->addWidget(fdExitDur, 1, ccc++); grid->addLabel(tr("s"), 1, ccc++); connect(fdDuration, (void(QSpinBox::*)(int))&QSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [=](int value) { mDuration = value; if(mEntryDur > value) { mEntryDur = value; fdEntryDur->setValue(value); } if(mExitDur > value) { mExitDur = value; fdExitDur->setValue(value); } }); ccc = 2; auto fdBlink = new QCheckBox(tr("Blink")); fdBlink->setChecked(_hasBlink); fdBlink->setToolTip("Need Player 2.1.4"); connect(fdBlink, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, [=](int state) { _hasBlink = state==Qt::Checked; }); grid->addWidget(fdBlink, 2, ccc++); ccc++; grid->addLabel(tr("Freq"), 2, ccc++, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter); auto fdBlinkFreq = new QDoubleSpinBox; fdBlinkFreq->setDecimals(1); fdBlinkFreq->setSingleStep(0.1); fdBlinkFreq->setValue(_blinkFreq); connect(fdBlinkFreq, (void(QDoubleSpinBox::*)(double))&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged, this, [=](double value) { _blinkFreq = value; }); grid->addWidget(fdBlinkFreq, 2, ccc++); grid->addLabel("Hz", 2, ccc++); } }