AboutDlgDialogAboutXLedOK ExpressChangePasswordFormFormOld passwordNew passwordRepeat againOkCancelTipPlease input old passwordOld password is wrongPlease enter a password with more than 6 charactersPlease enter a new passwordPassword changed successfullyColorDialogBasic colorCustom colorAdd to customBlue(B):Green(G):Red(R):transparency:Cur colorNew colorOkCancelSelect colorControlAdvParamWidgetFormAdvanced parametersLED Screen Width(pixel):WidthHeight(pixel):HeightSetAliasWeb Server Address:Company ID:Input Company IDRealtimer Server Address:Input Realtimer Server AddressClearApk upgradeCheck ApkUninstallRunning checkFPGA UpgradeFPGA version checkSync FPGA versionRestart led controller systemCheck LogOpen ADB debugging functionPost custom jsonClear ProgramM80 configurationRefreshRestore to defaultTaxi top screen configurationService:High Out of service:LowService:Low Out of service:HighStart LedSet3.0 configure LED module(used by manufacturer's professionals)Bind taxihub web *.ic CertificateBinding *.ic account indentity voucherRotate0 degrees90 degrees180 degrees270 degreesMin brightness1(min:1)ReadbackSendMax brightness 255(max:255)Set Screen SizeSuccessCompany IDFPGA UpgradeCompany IDInput passwordPlease enter web server addressPlease enter company IDAre you sure you want to configure the server address and company ID?failedSet Web server addressClearPlease enter the realtimer addressSet realtimer addressTip InfoDo you want to save the modifications?Can not find LedSet3.0.exe,down you need download and install itRestartFPGA Versionrunningno runningversionCheck apk versionUninstallCheck apk running statusCheck FPGA versionSync FPGA versionWatch the progress of screen upgrade until the upgrade is finishedOpen ADB debugging functionindentity voucher (*.ic)Binding certificateSet Taxi ServerClear programUpgrade firmwareThis screen is encrypted,Please decrypt and upgrade APK!Set screen rotationSet min brightness valueSet maximum brightness valueGet min brightnessGet maximum brightnessSet Special ResolutionGet Special ResolutionRestore to default relolutionSet level for busyGet level of busyStart installation...Please input aliasSet aliasClear program successed!Clear program failed!Clear program timeout!UploadingTipPlease select screen firstPlease enter the correct width pixel valuePlease enter the correct height pixel valueCan not find LedSet3.0.exe,please install it first!Password is errorGet Screen SizewDevicesItem OnProHttpResponse json error!ControlBrightnessAutoWidgetFormSensitivityMinimum BrightnessSetCur brigntness:0RefreshReadbackUpload fileWhen uploading the file, please confirm to select the correct sensor type, otherwise it will be invalid!If the maximum brightness is 64, the minimum brightness can be configured as 1 or appropriate value; if the maximum brightness is 255, the minimum brightness must be configured as 80 or above, otherwise the brightness will be low.If the maximum brightness is 64, the minimum brightness can be configured as 1 or appropriate value; if the maximum brightness is 255, the minimum brightness must be configured as 80 or above, otherwise the brightness will be low.When uploading the file, please confirm to select the correct sensor type, otherwise it will be invalid!Minimum BrightnessUpload fileReadbackTipPlease select screen firstPlease input the correct brightness valueSet min brightness valuePlease input the correct sensitivity valueSet brightness sensitivity Please select sensor type firstSet sensor brightness tableGet min brightnessGet brightness sensitivityGet sensor bright tableCur brightnessSave fileno sensor brightnessTable in controllerGet Current BrightnessSuccessfailedControlBrightnessManualWidgetFormReadbackBrightness valueSetTipPlease select screen firstAdjust brightness manuallySet brightness SuccessfailedGet brightnessControlBrightnessScheduleFormDefault brightnessTip: within the setting time is the setting brightness, and outside the setting time is the default brightness. For example, set the default brightness to 80, set the brightness to 180, and the time range to 8:00-17:00, then the brightness in the time range is 180, and the default brightness in other times is 80!AddEditDeleteClearImportExportApplyReadbackBrightness ValueStart TimeEnd TimeSave fileTipPlease input default brightness valuePlease select screen firstSend brightness schedule tableSuccessfailedGet brightness scheduleControlBrightnessScheduleEditDialogSchedule ItemXBrightness ValueStart timeEnd time255AddCancelControlBrightnessWidgetFormBrightness configurationAutoManualScheduleControlEncryptWidgetFormEntrypt configurationOriginal passwordoriginal passwordNew passwordRepeat new passwordSet encryptionCancel encryptionEnter passwordEnter againTipPlease select screen firstPlease input original passwordPlease input new passwordPlease input repeat passwordThe two passwords are inconsistentTip InfoAfter setting the password, please remember the password and record it. If you forget the password, the device will be unable to operate. Are you sure you want to continue with this operation?Set passwordReadbackSuccessfailedModify passwordThe original password is wrongControlHdmiManualFormHDMI INProgram in screenReadbackAsyncTipPlease select screen firstSwitch video source from HDMI-IN portSwitch video source from Async boxReadback video sourceswitch to HDMI INSuccessONfailedOFFreadback video sourceControlHdmiScheduleFormAddEditDeleteClearImportExportBy default, asynchronous content is played, and synchronous hdmi-in port input content is played in a fixed time periodApplyReadbackHDMI-IN videoStart TimeEnd TimeSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATOnSave fileTipPlease select screen firstSet video source form HDMI-IN schedule taskGet video source form HDMI-IN schedule taskSet schedule task of screen powerSuccessfailedGet schedule task of screen powerControlHdmiWidgetFormVideo source configurationManualScheduleControlNetConfigWidgetFormWire Enther(RJ45) ConfigurationSpecify IPIP AddressSubnet maskGatewayDNS AddressSetReadbackWiFi ConfigurationWiFi On/OffInput ap nameCellular ConfigurationEnable cellular dataGet cellular network status informationThrough the chcek status button, you can automatically match the country code MCC, and then select "operator" to get the response APN information. If you can't find the operator, you can select the "custom" check box, and then enter the APN information manually.Readback Apn InfoReadback APN InfoSet the APN informationCUSTOMchcek SIM InfoCountry ID(mcc):Carrier NameCarrier APN:APN(Required)User Name:Not requiredPassword:Timezone:Flight ModeWiFi namePasswordInput passwordScanAPAP nameOFFONAP nameSubnet maskInput AP nameSuccessfailedTipPlease select screen firstSet wire netherAttentionPlease input IP address!IP Address is invalid!Please input Mask address!Mask Address is Invalid!Please input Gateway address!Gateway Address is Invalid!Please input DNS address!DNS Address is Invalid!Get wire ethernetSet WiFi on/offSignal strengthConfiguration WiFiGet AP or WiFiScan WiFi listConfiguration AP HotSpotGet Current ApnGet SIM StatusSet APNStatus:unknownLock status, need user's pin code to unlockIn the locked state, the PUK code of the user is required to be unlockedIn the locked state, the PIN code of the user is required to be unlockedbe readyno checked sim cardMCC:number:User name:Signal:Signal OKNot in service areaEmergency call onlyRF offNetwork type:unKnownGPRSEDGEUMTSCDMEVDO,revision 0.EVDO,revision A.1xRTTHSDPAHSUPAHSPAroam:YesNoData connection status:OFFconnectingConnectedsuspendData active sleep state:Active, but no data sent and receivedActivity, receiving dataActivity, sending dataActivity, receiving and sending dataSleep stateSignal strength:SetSwitchSimDataSet TimezoneSet flight modeReadback flight mode stateControlPowerManualFormPowerReadbackOFFONTipPlease select screen firstRead power statusSet powerSuccessONfailedOFFSetScreenOffControlPowerScheduleFormEdit areaAddEditDeleteClearImportExportIt is power off state outside the schedule time periodCommand areaApplyCancel ScheduleReadbackPower On StateStart TimeEnd TimeSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATOnPowerSchedule (*.pjs)Save fileTipPlease select screen firstTip InfoClear schedule task?Clear schedule taskSet schedule task of screen powerSuccessfailedGet schedule task of screen powerControlPowerWidgetFormPower configurationManualScheduleControlTestWidgetFormTest ScreenLine testRedGreenBlueWhiteVerticalOblique lineHorizontalSpeedLine DistancepxTestGradation testOnly the gray value is displayedGray valueColor testGradient8236451970ClearLoopAnycastGradient StopTipPlease select screen firstStart testSuccessfailedStop testloopback modeConnect timeoutReset loop modesuccesswDevicesItem OnProHttpResponse json error!ControlVerifyClockWidgetFormVerify clock configurationVerify to Computer timeCur time of controllerLAN(min/time)Sync identificationCodeidentification codeTime offset(msec)Screen BrightnessVolumeScreen On/OffSlaveMasterNTP ServerNTP Server addressTime zoneSetEnable Synchronous playingSync ime intervalTime zoneSync time intervalVerify clock configurationReadbackMasterCalibrate clock to computer timeIdentification CodeSuccessfailedSetNtpServerSet as master deviceSet as slave deviceRead back the identity of master and slaveGet date timeSet sync methodSyncTimeGetNtpServerGeting Sync MethodSet TimezoneControlVolumeManualFormVolume(0-15)ReadbackSet VolumeSuccessfailedVolume(min:0-max:15)Get VolumewDevicesItem OnProHttpResponse json error!ControlVolumeScheduleFormReminder: the brightness within the fixed time period is displayed according to the timing brightness, and the default brightness value is not set for other time periodsAddDeleteClearDefault VolumeImportExportApplyReadbackVolume valueStart TimeEnd TimeSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATReminder: the display screen is the default brightness outside the fixed time periodDefault volumewDevicesItem OnProHttpResponse json error!10Save fileTipPlease select screen firstSet volume scheduleSuccessfailedGet volume scheduleControlVolumeWidgetFormVolume ControlManualScheduleDevicesControllWidgetFormCurrent screen:ClearCurrent screen:single screen operationnoneCurrent screenMulti screen operationSelected numberDownloaderUpdaterSoftware updateXDownloading updatesTime remaining: 0 minutesOpenStopTime remainingunknownErrorCannot find downloaded update!CloseDownload complete!The installer will open separatelyClick "OK" to begin installing the updateIn order to install the update, you may need to quit the application.In order to install the update In order to install the update, you may need to quit the application. This is a mandatory update, exiting now will close the applicationTip InfoClick the "Open" button to apply the updateAre you sure you want to cancel the download?Are you sure you want to cancel the download? This is a mandatory update, exiting now will close the applicationアップデートのダウンロードDownloading UpdatesTime RemainingUnknownabout %1 hoursabout one hour%1 minutes1 minute%1 seconds1 secondsImageCutWidgetFormImportBnInProgramDlgDialogInputPasswordDialogDialogInput passwordChange PasswordOkCancelLoAppToolsSelect FileFile name conflictedLoColorSelectorSelect ColorLoDateSelectorDate selectorLoEmptyDialogDialogLoQTitleBarMinimizeMaximizeCloseRestoreLoUIMsgBoxOkDialogOkLoUIMsgBoxOkCancelDialogOkCancelMainWindow1.This function is only used to connect to the termianl via Ethernet cable and the terminal is assignned with a dynamic IP address.\r\n2.Please turn off the firewall or turn on ICMP echo before you turn on DHCP.\r\n3.If the connection is unstable,set a static IP address for your PCDHCP ServiceRJ45 Cable directly connectedOFFONDetect1.Turn this option on if the computer is connected directly to the LED control card using a RJ45 network cable2.The IP address of the computer will be configured as static IP: IP address of the LED control card will be configured to InfoThis operation will fix all the control cards in the LAN that are not in the same network segment as the computer IP. Please be careful!TipNo available network was detectedDo you want set the network to automatically get IP through DHCP1.This function is only used to connect to the termianl via Ethernet cable and the terminal is assignned with a dynamic IP address2.Please turn off the firewall or turn on ICMP echo before you turn on DHCP3.If the connection is unstable,set a static IP address for your PCLedOK ExpressNetCommwDevicesItem OnProHttpResponse json error!json file error!PixbmpShowDialogDialogXPublishFormFormXPushButtonQFfWidgetFormQObjectSetting up the Xanadu Express...Setting up the Xanadu Express OK!Add app to firewall rule!Setting up the Xanadu Express OK!Add app to firewall rule...Setting up the LedOK Express...Setting up the LedOK Express OK!SendProgramDialogDialogPublishProgram nameRefreshCancelProgram nameScreen IDAliasOnlineScreen IPScreen SizeencryptionProgressRemarksALLSoftConfigDialogDialogSoftware ConfigurationXVideo transcodingText antialiasing(Note: this option is suitable for screens with small spacing and large size. If this option is selected, the shadow on the edge of the text will be smooth; it is not recommended for small size screens and single and double color screens.)Lora screenOkSpecialDlgDialogSpecify IP rangeSpecify IPSearchCancelAttentionPlease input IP address!IP Address is invalid!SuccessCan't find this device IPSubSpecifyIpFormSpecify IPSubSpecifyIpRangeFormStart IPEnd IPThreadSendProopen file failedsend failedsocket errorThreadUpgradeApkopen file failedsend failedTimeoutUploaddingTipDialogDialogOkCancelImportPathBrowseYou will delete the selected solution(s),are you sure?Save asExportDoneSolution NameProgressDeletePlease select the network to connect to the LED controllerNetwork nameThis operation will only set cable network to static IP,are you sure?Do you want set the network to automatically get IP through DHCPTipPlease select the network to connect to the LED controllerChoose DirectoryThe imported directory is already in the working directory, so there is no need to import it again!no find program can be importedExport anginUpdateLedset3DialogDialogLedSet3.0 UpdateXV1.0.0UpdateCurVersionApk is download finished from internet,you can select LED Screen SYNC firmware now!LatestVersion:Update log:The current version is already the latest version,,you can select LED Screen SYNC firmware now!UpdaterWould you like to download the update now?Would you like to download the update now? This is a mandatory update, exiting now will close the applicationVersion %1 of %2 has been released!No updates are available for the momentCongratulations! You are running the latest version of %1UpdaterDialogDialogSoftware UpdateXUpdateCurVersionLatestVersion:Update log:The current version is already the latest versionUpdaterFirmwareDialogDialogFirmware UpdateXUpdateCurVersionApk is download finished from internet,you can select LED Screen SYNC firmware now!LatestVersion:Update log:The current version is already the latest version,,you can select LED Screen SYNC firmware now!UpgradeApkDialogDialogUpgrade apkXSelect apkUpgradeUninstallcheck running stateSelect FpgaRefreshCancelScreen IDAliasOnlineScreen IPencryptionProgressFPGAStateRemarksALLThe encrypted control card can be upgraded directlyUsbDetectDialogFormUsb upgrade programXPasswordOkInput passwordTipNo checked USB deviceplease select usb device in listUsbDiskFuncDialogDialogUsb upgrade programPathPasswordOkCancelInput passwordPlease select pathChoose DirectoryX_UIMsgBoxOkDialogOkCancelSyncInstallTip InfoNo found xixunplayer.apk,Do you want download it from internet?X_UIMsgBoxOkCancelDialogOkCancelX_UIMsgBoxYesNoCancelDialogYesNoCanceleAClockAttrFormTextBasic propertiesTime ZoneCustom DialHour ScaleCircleRectangleNumberMinute ScaleHand ColorsDateCustom DialSelectTextPlayback MethodPlay DurationSelect dial fileeDClock---/-0123456789MONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUNAMPM--eDClockAttrFormTextBasic propertiesTime ZoneYearMonthDayHourMin.Sec.Day of the Week4-Digit Year12-HourAM/PMDate FormatTime formatDisplay styleMultilinePlayback MethodPlay DurationseGifeGifAttrFormTextBasic propertiesFilePlayback MethodPlay DurationsPlay TimeseMovieProcessing videoSuccessfailedConverting formateMovieAttrFormTextFilePlayback MethodPlay DurationBasic propertiesPlay TimesProcessing videoSuccessfailedConverting formateObjectAttrArea(px)ePhotoePhotoAttrFormTextFilePlayback MethodPlay DurationZOOM_OUTZOOM_OUT_LEFT_BOTTOMZOOM_OUT_LEFT_TOPZOOM_OUT_RIGHT_TOPZOOM_OUT_RIGHT_BOTTOMPlay TimesEntrance EffectBasic propertiesNoneALPHA_INALPHA_OUTMOVING_TO_LEFTMOVE_TO_RIGHTMOVE_TO_RIGHTMOVING_TO_TOPMOVE_TO_BOTTOMZOOM_INROTATE_TO_RIGHTROTATE_TO_LEFTsZOOM_IN_LEFT_BOTTOMZOOM_IN_LEFT_TOPZOOM_IN_RIGHT_TOPZOOM_IN_RIGHT_BOTTOMEffect DurationAttentionfile()is not existTip InfoEffect time cannot be longer than duration timeeTempTemperature:Humidity:Noise:Wind Speed:Wind Direction:0123456789northeastsouthwesteTempAttrFormTextBasic propertiesTitleTemperatureCompensationunitCustom textTemperature:Fixed textCompensationHumidity:Humidity:Wind speedWind Speed:Wind directionWind Direction:Wind Direction:NoiseNoise:LeftCenterRightSingle scrollSpeedms/pixelWindow backgroundPlayback MethodRefresh cyclemin.DurationeTextDouble click to enter your text!eTextAttrFormTextKerningTextBasic propertiesFontBackgroundWindow backgroundKerningLine SpacingPageCount:1PagePlayback MethodFlipscrollStaticeTextFlipAttrFormPlay DurationEffect SpeedEffect Durationeffect durationsEntrance Effectnorandomright to leftbottom to topleft to righttop to bottomDuration/PageTip InfoEffect time cannot be longer than duration timeeTextInputDialogText EditCloseeTextScrollAttrFormPlay DurationHead to TailSpacingDirectionFrom left to rightFrom right to leftFrome top to bottomFrom bottom to topScrolling speedeTextStaticAttrFormPlay DurationeTimerdhmseTimerAttrFormTextBasic propertiesCount downCount upEnd dateEnd timeDayHourMin.Sec.TextDisplay formatMulti-linePlayback MethodPlay durationseWeatherWeather:Temperature:Wind:Humidity:Current Temperature:eWeatherAttrFormTextBasic propertiesCountryChinaAmericaProvinceCityWeatherTemperatureWindHumidityCurrent temperatureTemperature typeTemperature unitCustomWeather:Temperature:Wind:Humidity:Current Temperature:Display styleMulti-lineSingle line(Scrolling)Single line(static)Playback MethodRefresh cyclemin.Play durationseWindowPlease add media on the right. You can add multiple different media. The LED display will play in the order of the listeWindowAttrFormMedia ListTextPhotoMovieGifClockAnalog ClockOfficeWeatherRSSTimerWindowColorTextmConverterPreparing ...Organizing resources ...Create json ...Zipped program ...Zipped finished ...delete tmp dir ...Scan program ...mDeviceManagerALLALLOnlineOnlineUnloginOfflineOfflineRefreshRefreshRefreshSpecify IPSpecify IPScreen IDScreen IPScreen SizeAliasLED screenshotsend Set brightness sensitivity Set brightness Screen BrightnessPower StatusMore InfoRefreshRefreshSpecify IPSpecify IPOnlineOnlineAllALLUnloginUnloginOfflineOfflineScreen Current BrightnessPower StatusencryptionmDeviceSettingBrightness AdjustmentPower ControlNetwork ConfigurationTime SynchronizationVideo sourceEncryptAdvanced parametersVolumeTestLoraVolume AdjustmentAdvanced SolutionsTerminal ControlmGuangYingPinWidgetFormComMain DevicePort NameBaudRate1200240048009600192003840057600115200DataBit5678OEBitNoStopBit121.5State:CloseOpenAuxiliaryRefreshNetworkParam configurationResend timesDelay millsecond349ClearDebug10Network11121314151617181920Program numberSendPreviousNextScreen BrightnessSetScreen OffScreen OnState:OffScreen OnCloseState:OnTipOpenPort COM failedmProgramManagerNewEditDeleteImportExportSendPublishNameResolutionFile SizeLast ModifiedUSB playbackProgram name conflictedYou will delete the selected solution(s),are you sure?Tip InfoImport program successedmProgramManagerANewEditDeleteImportExportSendNameSolution QtyFile SizeLast ModifiedPublishmTabWidgetTermianlsSolutionsLora screenAdvanced SolutionsTerminal ControlmTitleBarSettingLanguageCheck for updatesCheck for firmware updatesSoftware ConfigurationUpdateHelpFirmware managementAboutChineseEnglishJapanesewAttrViewPageElementWidget propertiesProgram propertieswDevicesItemGet more detail infoGet more detail infoScreenshotreadback screenshotCurrent Brightness:Android Version:FPGA Version:Brightness Level:Android OS Resolution:Firmware Version:Player firmware version:Cur player firmware version:You can click the sync firmware button to store the version on your computerDetail InfoNo install xixunplay apk firmware!Receive Set powerGetScreenStatusStatusDHCP IPSTATIC IPTip Infopassword is wrongGet brightnessbrightnenssRead back the identity of master and slaveConfigure master slave identitySet brightness Set min brightness valueGet brightness sensitivitysensitivityGet min brightnessTipno sensor brightnessTable in controllerTableSetSensorBrightnessTableSet WiFi on/offConfiguration WiFiConfiguration AP HotSpotGetSwitchWiFiSend brightness schedule tableSet volume scheduleSet VolumeGet VolumeSet schedule task of screen powerGet date timeSet level for busyGet level of busyService:Low Out of service:HighService:High Out of service:LowGet AP or WiFiWifiNameAp NameSet Screen SizeTest screenSet Web server addressSet realtimer addressGet web server addressGet realtime server addressSetNtpServerGetNtpServerSyncTimeClear programSet sync methodGet Current BrightnessCur brightnessSet Special ResolutionGet Special ResolutionFPGA total resoltuionCur display resolutionRestore to default relolutionSet maximum brightness valueGet maximum brightnessSwitch ScreenOnCloseConnecttimeoutAnycastVolumeGeting Sync MethodIdentification CodeTime offsetmsecOther sync itemsLast Synchronous TimeSynchronization intervalStart installation...not found xixunplayer.apk in computer:Upgrade firmwareUploaddingSuccessfailedsuccessLora identityMasterSlaveSet brightness sensitivity ONOFFwDrawingBoardZoom InZoom OutOrigianl SizeDelete the seleted mediaClear all mediaCutClear all mediaCut mediaMove layer up(shortcut key PgUp)Send backward(shortcut key PgDn)Bring to front(shortcut key home)Move to the bottom layer(shortcut key end)Fill the entire screenFill the screen horizontallyFill the screen verticallyAlign upCenter verticallyBottom upAlign leftCenter horizontallyAlign rightTip InfowEditProgramSavingSave successTip InfoDo you want to save the modifications?Saving...SuccessSave failedConverteringConverter SuccessedConverter TimeOutGenerate preview dataReadyGenerate TimeOutTipwExportProgramItemTip Info:solution(s) already exist.are you sure you want to overwrite the existing solution(s)?wMainToolBarSaveSave asSettingTextPhotoVideoGifClockAnalog ClockAudioMulti material windowIn this window, a plurality of different program materials can be added and played according to the order of joining the listStopOfficeEnvironmental MonitoringWeatherRSSTimerColorful WordWindowPreviewPublishwNewProgramDialogNameResolutionSolution InformationXSolution NameWidthHeightRemarksOkCancelNewwPageAttrFormProgram namePlay timesValid dateStartEndPlanNewThe end time cannot be earlier than the start timewPageItemWidgetFormTimeswPageListAdd pageCopy pageDeleteDelete pageMove upMove downProgram LIsTip InfoAre you sure you want to delete this program page?NewwPlanItemFormEvery week:1Every week:MTuWThFSaSuwProgramItemUSB playbackPublishConverteringUSB disk exported successfullyUSB disk export failedConverter SuccessedConverter TimeOutwProgramPublishItemThis screen is encryptedTip Infopassword is wrongwUpgradeApkItemUninstallingCheck apk running statusThis screen is encryptedStart upgradeUploadingTimeoutStart installation...Sync FPGAwDevicesItem OnProHttpResponse json error!Tip Infopassword is wrongUninstallSuccessRunningNot runningInstall successFailx_uiMsgBoxOnlyCloseBtnDialogX