QT += core gui widgets QT += multimedia QT += network QT += concurrent QT += serialport QT += opengl QT += webenginewidgets greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5) { QT += openglwidgets } CONFIG += c++14 CONFIG += lrelease CONFIG += embed_translations # CONFIG += console # You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line. # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt. #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 TARGET = $$quote(LedOK Express) VERSION = 1.3.5 DEFINES += APP_VERSION=\\\"$$VERSION\\\" msvc { contains(QT_ARCH, i386) { QMAKE_LFLAGS += /LARGEADDRESSAWARE #QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--large-address-aware } lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 6) { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -execution-charset:utf-8 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -source-charset:utf-8 } CONFIG += force_debug_info CONFIG += separate_debug_info } win32 { CONFIG -= debug_and_release LIBS += -lwinmm LIBS += -lDbghelp } RESOURCES += res.qrc win32:RC_ICONS = res/Logo.ico osx:ICON = res/Logo.icns # Default rules for deployment. qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target SOURCES += \ base/changepasswordform.cpp \ base/customprogressindicator.cpp \ base/loemptydialog.cpp \ base/pixbmpshowdialog.cpp \ base/softconfigdialog.cpp \ base/switchcontrol.cpp \ base/taesclass.cpp \ base/updateledset3dialog.cpp \ base/x_checkboxdelegate.cpp \ base/x_spinboxdelegate.cpp \ base/x_timeeditdelegate.cpp \ base/x_uimsgboxok.cpp \ base/extendedgroupbox.cpp \ base/ffutil.cpp \ base/locolorselector.cpp \ base/lodateselector.cpp \ base/loqtitlebar.cpp \ base/loqtreewidget.cpp \ base/waitingdlg.cpp \ basedlg.cpp \ basewin.cpp \ cfg.cpp \ communication/hpptclient.cpp \ communication/taserialthread.cpp \ device/ctrlhdmipanel.cpp \ device/ctrlnetworkpanel.cpp \ device/ctrlpwdpanel.cpp \ devicectrlpanel.cpp \ deviceitem.cpp \ devicepanel.cpp \ ffplayer.cpp \ globaldefine.cpp \ gutil/qgui.cpp \ gutil/qnetwork.cpp \ main.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ mguangyingpinwidget.cpp \ passwordindlg.cpp \ player/digiclock.cpp \ player/eleanaclock.cpp \ player/elebase.cpp \ player/eleborder.cpp \ player/elegif.cpp \ player/eleimg.cpp \ player/elemultipng.cpp \ player/elescroll.cpp \ player/eletimer.cpp \ player/elevideo.cpp \ player/playwin.cpp \ player/posdlg.cpp \ progpanel.cpp \ synctimer.cpp \ tools.cpp \ device/controlpowerschedule.cpp \ device/controlpowerwidget.cpp \ device/controltestwidget.cpp \ device/controlvolumeschedule.cpp \ device/controlvolumewidget.cpp \ device/ctrladvancedpanel.cpp \ device/ctrlbrightpanel.cpp \ device/ctrlverifyclockpanel.cpp \ device/ledcard.cpp \ device/upgradeapkdialog.cpp \ device/wupgradeapkitem.cpp \ program/copydirthread.cpp \ program/eaclock.cpp \ program/eaudio.cpp \ program/ebase.cpp \ program/edclock.cpp \ program/eenviron.cpp \ program/egif.cpp \ program/emultiwin.cpp \ program/ephoto.cpp \ program/etext.cpp \ program/etimer.cpp \ program/evideo.cpp \ program/eweb.cpp \ program/gentmpthread.cpp \ program/pageeditor.cpp \ program/pagelistitem.cpp \ program/progcreatedlg.cpp \ program/progeditorwin.cpp \ program/progitem.cpp \ program/sendprogramdialog.cpp \ program/sendprogthread.cpp \ program/usbdetectdialog.cpp \ program/videosplitthread.cpp \ program/wplanitem.cpp \ program/wplanlist.cpp \ program/wprogrampublishitem.cpp \ HEADERS += \ base/changepasswordform.h \ base/customprogressindicator.h \ base/loemptydialog.h \ base/pixbmpshowdialog.h \ base/softconfigdialog.h \ base/switchcontrol.h \ base/taesclass.h \ base/updateledset3dialog.h \ base/x_checkboxdelegate.h \ base/x_spinboxdelegate.h \ base/x_timeeditdelegate.h \ base/x_uimsgboxok.h \ base/extendedgroupbox.h \ base/locolorselector.h \ base/lodateselector.h \ base/loqtitlebar.h \ base/loqtreewidget.h \ base/waitingdlg.h \ basedlg.h \ basewin.h \ cfg.h \ communication/hpptclient.h \ communication/taserialthread.h \ device/ctrlhdmipanel.h \ device/ctrlnetworkpanel.h \ device/ctrlpwdpanel.h \ devicectrlpanel.h \ deviceitem.h \ devicepanel.h \ ffplayer.h \ globaldefine.h \ gutil/qgui.h \ gutil/qnetwork.h \ mainwindow.h \ mguangyingpinwidget.h \ passwordindlg.h \ player/digiclock.h \ player/eleanaclock.h \ player/elebase.h \ player/eleborder.h \ player/elegif.h \ player/eleimg.h \ player/elemultipng.h \ player/elescroll.h \ player/eletimer.h \ player/elevideo.h \ player/playwin.h \ player/posdlg.h \ progpanel.h \ synctimer.h \ tools.h \ device/controlpowerschedule.h \ device/controlpowerwidget.h \ device/controltestwidget.h \ device/controlvolumeschedule.h \ device/controlvolumewidget.h \ device/ctrladvancedpanel.h \ device/ctrlbrightpanel.h \ device/ctrlverifyclockpanel.h \ device/ledcard.h \ device/upgradeapkdialog.h \ device/wupgradeapkitem.h \ program/copydirthread.h \ program/eaclock.h \ program/eaudio.h \ program/ebase.h \ program/edclock.h \ program/eenviron.h \ program/egif.h \ program/emultiwin.h \ program/ephoto.h \ program/etext.h \ program/etimer.h \ program/evideo.h \ program/eweb.h \ program/gentmpthread.h \ program/pageeditor.h \ program/pagelistitem.h \ program/progcreatedlg.h \ program/progeditorwin.h \ program/progitem.h \ program/sendprogramdialog.h \ program/sendprogthread.h \ program/usbdetectdialog.h \ program/videosplitthread.h \ program/wplanitem.h \ program/wplanlist.h \ program/wprogrampublishitem.h \ FORMS += \ base/pixbmpshowdialog.ui \ base/updateledset3dialog.ui \ base/x_uimsgboxok.ui \ mguangyingpinwidget.ui \ device/controlpowerschedule.ui \ device/controltestwidget.ui \ device/controlvolumeschedule.ui \ program/wplanitem.ui \ TRANSLATIONS += \ translations/app_zh_CN.ts \ translations/app_zh_TW.ts \ translations/app_ja.ts \ translations/app_en.ts EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS += \ translations/qt_zh_CN.ts \ translations/qt_zh_TW.ts \ translations/qt_ja.ts \ translations/qt_en.ts include(./xlsx/qtxlsx.pri) include(./QSimpleUpdater/QSimpleUpdater.pri) copydir.files += $$quote(y50 param) win32 { INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/ffmpeg/include LIBS += -L$$PWD/ffmpeg/lib/\ -lavcodec \ -lavdevice \ -lavfilter \ -lavformat \ -lavutil \ -lswresample \ -lswscale copy.files += $$files(ffmpeg/bin/*.dll) copy.files += ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe copy.files += 7z/7z.dll copy.files += 7z/7z.exe # for https requests copy.files += $$files(OpenSSL/*.dll) copy.path = $$OUT_PWD copydir.path = $$OUT_PWD CONFIG += file_copies COPIES += copy COPIES += copydir } osx { INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/ffmpeg-mac/include LIBS += -L$$PWD/ffmpeg-mac/lib/\ -lavcodec \ -lavdevice \ -lavfilter \ -lavformat \ -lavutil \ -lswresample \ -lswscale copy.files += $$files(ffmpeg-mac/lib/*.dylib) copy.path = Contents/MacOS copydir.path = Contents/MacOS #QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += copy QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += copydir }